Wednesday, February 28, 2018

SoSW meet#1 Gif :one naked guy spanked by two

I came home from work one afternoon, and She told me, “Start cleaning up the living room and bathroom, I’m having guests.”
I did so, and 
Women starting arriving, one by one, four in all.
I was in the kitchen, and after introductions were made, I heard Her say, “Ladies, welcome to this meeting of the Society for Strict Wives.  We are all in agreement that our husbands need discipline, from us, as often as we think is necessary, correct?”


At the first meeting,  I even got some two on one OTK action.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Monthly SOSW meeting:guys nakedandspanked OTK

Shilo says, "She always takes me with her to the monthly Society of Strict Wives meetings, where all the males have to 'get naked' before they pass through the second door, and all of us get our bottoms beaten, sometimes all of us at once, sometimes, while we watch the others."